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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Balkasar open for bears: Pakistan’s new WSPA-funded bear sanctuary

I wish to share this post from the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) website. I wish that many more people will fund the WSPA's efforts to assist animals around the world. In particular, the assisting and rescuing of the remaining 60-70 tortured bears being illegally used for bear baiting in Pakistan. The WSPA has opened a new sanctuary for rescued bears to live out the remainder of their lives in peace and security. Please read the following:

Balkasar open for bears: Pakistan’s new WSPA-funded bear sanctuary

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Wilkesboro, NC, United States
My interest with writing began by composing poems about nature in my childhood. I also co-wrote a play in my 4th grade class when I lived in New Rochelle, NY. It generated enough positive feedback that my class put on the play in the school auditorium. I was fortunate to have a lead part. After my high school graduation, I entered the working world. For over 30 years I have been steadily gaining writing, editing and digital publishing skills. I began by composing letters and emails to company clients. I contributed to articles written for The Commuters Register based in Windsor, CT. Since 2009, I have added social media, digital publishing and blogging here in Wilkesboro, NC. Since 2010, I write ad copy for the listing descriptions for each of my 3 Internet shops open at In 2012, I entered a poem about my dog Red in the World Poetry Contest. The poem was chosen for publication. I have written articles for the Winston-Salem Frugal Living Examiner and Hub Pages. In 2012, I acquired The Wilkes Gazette digital newspaper that was renamed the Wilkes County Gazette in 2014. I write under both my own name and my pen name, Jeanne Armonk.
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