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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Expanding Our Horizons

As 2014 progresses along, JAE has expanded its projects to include a new shop on named ValJeanne Photography.  This shop features digital images for sale as instant downloads for buyers with Etsy accounts.

Valerie Jeanne Hynson a/k/a Jeanne Armonk has been taking pictures since grammar school when she received her first Kodak instamatic camera outfit.  She made great use of that first camera by taking photos of her family, the family pets, and vacation moments.

She was a Brownie and a Junior Girl Scout.  She began working on merit badges for her sash.  This included obtaining a My Camera Badge.  She worked diligently to take photos of all the required subject matters and finished the list while on a family vacation trip to Washington, D.C. in April 1971.  

That was a memorable trip in the viewing of National Monuments and of the famous cherry blossoms that were blooming that month.  One photo requirement was that the photograph needed to be taken through branches. The required photo ended up being one that depicted the Jefferson Memorial through nearby branches beautified with lovely cherry blossoms.

That family vacation ended with a trip to the National Zoo.  One photo of a gorgeous lioness who resembled Elsa of Born Free and one photo of a lovely Siberian tiger completed the badge requirements.

Well, a number of cameras later, and now in the digital camera age, Valerie Jeanne has taken thousands of pictures of all manner of subjects, particularly of nature and pets.

When Valerie Jeanne a/k/a Jeanne Armonk began writing/reporting for The Wilkes Gazette (Wilkes County, NC), she took many photographs for feature articles.  Valerie Jeanne took her dog Red with her for several years to many places in Wilkes County for her column Jeanne's Travels that highlighted pet-friendly recreation and activities available to pet owners and their dogs.

Red was a large dog weighing close to 135 pounds, yet he would wait by the car in the morning as if to say, "Where are we going today?"  Valerie misses her big dog and faithful companion who passed away in 2013.  Now, her newest dog Burnie will have big paws to follow as they begin a new circuit of travels.

I hope that you will visit ValJeanne Photography at to view Valerie Jeanne's photos.  Several of Red's photos have garnered some admirers.  They traveled between New York and North Carolina a few times in the recent years.  There will be more articles regarding their traveling experiences in future blog posts.

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Wilkesboro, NC, United States
My interest with writing began by composing poems about nature in my childhood. I also co-wrote a play in my 4th grade class when I lived in New Rochelle, NY. It generated enough positive feedback that my class put on the play in the school auditorium. I was fortunate to have a lead part. After my high school graduation, I entered the working world. For over 30 years I have been steadily gaining writing, editing and digital publishing skills. I began by composing letters and emails to company clients. I contributed to articles written for The Commuters Register based in Windsor, CT. Since 2009, I have added social media, digital publishing and blogging here in Wilkesboro, NC. Since 2010, I write ad copy for the listing descriptions for each of my 3 Internet shops open at In 2012, I entered a poem about my dog Red in the World Poetry Contest. The poem was chosen for publication. I have written articles for the Winston-Salem Frugal Living Examiner and Hub Pages. In 2012, I acquired The Wilkes Gazette digital newspaper that was renamed the Wilkes County Gazette in 2014. I write under both my own name and my pen name, Jeanne Armonk.
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